Friday 20 July 2012

Month 1: Oh dear

Captain Atom W: JT Krul A: Freddie Williams II
JT Krul again. What have I done to deserve this?
I'd love to be able to tell you this is better than Green Arrow (which he's already been kicked off, remember). Unfortunately, I can't.
I mean, look at this dialogue:
Despite that, I think I hate the art more than I hate the writing. Let's watch Captain Atom run though the gamut of facial emotions (a couple of which I'll leave the explanation in for):

Centre top, for reference, is anger. Yes, anger. Not vacant.
The back end of the plot begins to look like it's going down the route of War of the Elementals from the end of the John Ostrander run on Firestorm, but really I couldn't care less. Vile vile vile vile vile. Already on the cut list and have absolutely no desire to get beyond #1 (but I'll go to #3, obviously).

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