Friday 20 July 2012

Month 1: Because of the wing

Batwing #1
WING, not WANG. I should be excited because this is a brand new hero for the reboot, but frankly it's all too WINICKY.
Actually, that's not fair. I actually quite like this despite it being a 30 second read. It's very, very pretty and establishes that GMoz's Batman Inc is in continuity as well (having happened just before the continuity 'present day') and references another hero group (The Kingdom) who also existed in the Gap. The new villain, Massacre, doesn't really make any sense though and this might have been better as an Unknown Soldier book (which it could still turn into given the final splash page).
It's so slight there really isn't anything else to say about it, so let's just look at how lovely the art is for a bit.

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