Friday 24 August 2012

Month 12: Rob says bye-bye

All-Star Western #12: The Crime Bible/Owls stuff concludes pretty much as you'd expect it to, with extreme violence from Tallulah and some inappropiate sexing. Doctor Jekyll's mate turns up at the end? Is ASW going all LoEG on us? Time will tell, I guess, but I'll still be here as this remains a most solidly entertaining read. The Terrence Thirteen backup is great steampunky science hero stuff, but at two issues of 8 pages is actually about as much of it as I want to read. So good job it's Tomahawk next then.
Dark Knight #12: Scripted in such a way to make the most of Dave Finch having given up everything else, this is mainly a stream of pretty (and some, frankly, not so pretty - the Btaman chained to the bench is pretty awful) [ictures which advances the Scarecrow story pretty slowly but at the end it's clear why - Zero Month has to tie into this so the Scarecrow possibly is only there to enable THAT story. In which case, a let-down.
GL:NG #12: Right, so this is over and they break up at the end. But more new team coming and more Kyle Rayner. The Weaponer, who is obviously not Hawkman, manages to switch off the button which is keeping Invictus out of his statue and he just sort of peters out until Larfleeze stands on him. Who could like this?
I, Vampire #12: The broad comedy in this book continues to work well, especially in this Stormwatch crossover which is the most fun they've been since Warren Ellis stopped writing them. But then at the end Andrew seems to have removed the premise of the book. NOW GET OUT OF THAT.
Justice League Dark #12: A very slow-moving stroll though many new minor DC magic characters and a bit of progression on the Tim Hunter stuff. This Felix Faust arc has been fun but it needs to go somewhere, and taking a month off to tell an untold Constantine/Zatanna story in Zero Month will not help.
Superman #12: Crappy 80s monster of the month issue. But then he tells Superman that he can't know what it's like to grow up alone on an alien planet DO YOU SEE. This makes Clark give up being Superman for the day to go bungee jumping. No, me neither.
Titans #12: Look, let's just make this a romance book and then we'll all be happy. Young Heroes In Love. I would buy the shit out of that. It's the bext thing about this title, except for this month's random backup which is a linking piece around DC Presents #12 and will make no sense to anyone who didn't read it. Change tack. Please? For me?
Flash #12: SYNCHRONICITY ALERT. I mentioned Golden Glider in this month's Batgirl review, and who turns up here? OOOH SPOOKY PSYCHIC "Raeppa redilg nedlog!" The Rogues are at war with Captain Cold. How can this suck? It can't, that's how.
Firestorm #12: All the international Firestorms fight each other, and Indian Firestorm gets blown up by somebody else. Then they have another fight, and the Ronnie Firestorm and Jason Firestorm hold hands and sing Islands In The Stream, which makes Russian Firestorm disappear and then at the end French Firestorm blows up Not Madame Masque, possibly blowing herself up in the process. A new beginning is promised after Zero Month, which almost makes me wonder whether they can make it any good.
Hawkman #12: As if we didn't need any proof of Rob L's lack of ideas, his new villain he introduced in this has a bike like Lobo did in Deathstroke and the dialogue is pretty much identical. So rather than recycling his artwork, he's moved ahead to recycling scripts IN THE SAME MONTH. And this is the guy who struggles to understand why DC might not be fighting about him going. In other news, this is shit. Again.
Voodoo #12: Voodoo escapes Lord Of The Rings by being taken into space by the Blackhawks, and then goes and lives in suburbia. Other Voodoo goes and lives in a cave, and will soon turn up in Grifter. Oh good.

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